For me, One last time has a parallel meaning. On one hand it’s saying that I will never give up. That I will always try again when it’s worth it. On the other hand it’s saying that everything in life is made up of contrasts. Yin and Yan. Light and dark. Good and bad. A relationship can be both hard and great. To work on something can be tough, but in the end it’s worth it. You have to build, create, and give it your all to experience happiness and freedom.
Music was an integral part of Reins childhood and teen years. His professional carrier has been a natural progression of complete devotion to music. As a young choirboy at NRK, it enabled him to tour not only Norway, but all over the world. Today, he’s an educated, self-taught performer and interpreter of many different music genres. Rein thrives to challenge himself, something that he believes is the key to keeping his love of singing alive.
Norway, USA, Iceland, UK, Italy and Sweden are all places he has called home, both as a student and during his professional career. Top results from schools such as The Royal Academy of Music and The Reykjavik academy of Singing and Vocal Arts has given him the perfect foundation for furthering his development. As an artist, Rein has held hundreds of concerts, and sold more than110 000 physical albums with hundreds of thousands of streams. Along side this, he has lead musical theatre companies in the demanding roles of Jean Valjean (Les Miserables), Anatoly (Chess), Terje Vigen, and Anton Fugger (Which Witch).